Thursday, August 9, 2007


I think the world is ending soon. Or maybe just the United States. My mom says bad things just seem to come in waves, but it feels like a tsunami. Crappy things just seem to keep happening, and it freaks me out. Here is my list, feel free to add to it:

-Execution-style murder of 3 people in NJ last weekend
-3 miners trapped in a collapsed mine in Utah
-Minneapolis bridge collapse
-endless 'Made in China' recalls on pretty serious product defects/hazards
-Tornado through Brooklyn
-7.3 earthquake in Indonesia
-Brazilian plane crash

Ok, so when I list them all out (just the ones I can think of off the top of my head) I guess it doesn't seem that long, but given that the first 5 happened in the US and within the last couple weeks, it just makes me wonder. All I have to say is that if, in fact, Jesus is coming back soon, I'm pretty sure there's nowhere I'd rather be to receive the good news than in Natal, Brazil.

Yeah, this post was kind of weird. I'll admit it. My paranoia levels have been sky-high recently. Pray for those miners and Minnesota rescue workers. And for our government. They seem to need it.

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