Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Earthquakes, tans, and Elvis

You can add this summer's deadly heatwave and earthquake/potential tsunami in Peru to my list of reasons why the world is coming to an end.

Or to a list of reasons why global warming probably does exist. These aren't normal weather patterns, people. (FYI, all I did was Google "global warming doesn't exist" and found that article that's linked above. Scary.)

In a related note, in less than three weeks I will be moving to a city that is much, much closer to the equator than my present home. Staying indoors this entire Oklahoma summer will not prove to have been a good choice come November, the beginning of the Brazilian summer. I'll let you know how I do, but I can guarantee that if I was able to get the awesome tan I did last summer (during Natal's winter,) then my Christmas looks should be in tip top shape.

I'm beginning to get my things in order for The Big Day, which includes going through all of my files/papers/etc from the last few years and either throw them away or organize them so that I don't leave my parents behind with a warzone in my bedroom. Tonight, this prompted my mom to glance over to me, sitting smack-dab in the middle of my paper swamp, and say "So this is really happening, isn't it? You're really going to move." She has been saying something of the like about once a day, which thoroughly freaks me out. It's like a was just telling a joke up until a week ago, then SURPRISE! I actually am moving to Brazil. Don't get me wrong, she is very supportive, but she's also doing a lovely job of reminding me that I'll be missed. A lot, apparently.

Now I'm going to watch an exclusive tour of Graceland on Larry King Live. Elvis died 30 years ago tomorrow. I feel like I should be more emotional than I am about that.

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