Sunday, August 5, 2007

Things you may not know about me, probably because I haven't told you. (Part 2)

1. I hate crowds and crowded places. I avoid them like the plague. I have no problems with abandoning plans, even if they are of ultimate benefit, if it means I get to avoid fighting a crowd. (i.e. concerts with general admission, "first 100 in the door" type deals, day after Thanksgiving sales, tax-free weekend, etc).

2. I used to have a debilitating fear of bridges. Somehow, unplanned, this phobia (gephyrophobia, to be exact) dissipated in the last 6 months or so. Thanks to the recent bridge collapse in Minnesota, my phobia is back, alive and kicking. I'm already terrified of my family's trip to Arkansas next weekend, because I know we have to cross the I-40 bridge over the AR river that had its own tragedy a few years back (which very likely spawned my phobia in the first place.)

3. I have always fantasized about being an FBI agent. Yes, you can laugh at that.

4. I visited my sister and brother-in-law in Japan last year, and I did not like it. I experienced severe culture shock and am still embarrassed by how badly I handled it.

5. I have always generally gotten along better with guys than girls, and really wonder if that will ever change.

6. If I had things my way, I would wear a t-shirt and jeans every single day.

7. I had my belly button pierced for about 9 months of my freshman year at ACU. I don't regret getting it, and I don't regret taking it of those things I just had to get out of my system.

8. Another thing I had to get out of my system was owning an SUV. Xavier has served me well, and we have had a delightful relationship, but I doubt I will ever own one again. I'm over the 17 miles per gallon.

9. My name is Cristina Michelle because my parents wanted to choose names that sounded good in both Portuguese and English. I don't like being called Cristina in English, but I insist on it in Portuguese. It just sounds prettier. :)

10. I want to work in Rwanda someday for an NGO.

That's enough for today. I started the book Wicked on Friday, but it's kind of messed up and I can't get into it. Any recommendations out there? You'll be featured in my summer reading power rankings if I read a book you recommend....

Tempting, I know. :)


Anonymous said...

i'm reading fresh faith right now... its alright...

ann said...

I recommend "Life of Pi."

I like the list. :) I had to laugh at #4 because I understand. And #7. I hope your parents didn't find out via blog. ;) I call you Cristina, but I pronounce it correctly so I think it's okay.