There's a funny feeling in my tummy right now, and I have a hunch it has to do with the fact that LST called me this morning and said my flight itinerary had been emailed and they just needed my approval to make the purchase. So I came home, looked it over, and sent back the go-ahead.
A strange little phenomenon has developed over the last couple months in my life, and it involves me not actually believing that I'm about to move out of the country for years' worth of time. Yes, Natal is all I really think about (with a few exceptions, I do love Mexican food), yes, Natal is all I really talk about (with a few exceptions, I do love Eddie Izzard), yes, when my wonderful friends ask me questions I talk their ears off about how excited I am, but in this period of waiting and preparing I have somehow managed to remove myself from the actual process of leaving. Now that the ticket is bought, I have the details to think about. Which of my clothes and possessions will make the cut and end up in the two suitcases I take? (Believe me, that's a task I have gladly been avoiding.) Will my goodbyes be agonizing or just tearful? How miserable is that 4 hour layover going to be in Atlanta when I've left Oklahoma and am waiting to board the plane for Brazil? Who will be at the airport to pick me up? (Hey, just being honest with you. According to Marisa's email, a whole bus load.) Who of my readers from last summer will I be able to reconnect with? I'll quit now...there are hundreds more.
Last week my friend Sergio emailed and asked me to write a little bio about myself for them to post in the church building. Sergio has been a tremendous encouragement to me over the last year, telling me that everyone is waiting for me and can't wait for me to arrive in Natal. He continues to let me know that there are readers who are waiting for me to come and read with them and that I am going to have a lot of work to do. I can't tell you what an encouragement Sergio has been to me, and I am so thankful for his friendship. Below is what I sent to them, along with the picture that they printed off Facebook to post as well. :)
Hi! My name is Cristina Carpenter. I am 22 years old and live in Oklahoma, a state that is located in the center of the United States. I was born in Brasilia and lived there until I was 6 years old while my parents worked as missionaries, and so my family is very excited to be able to come and visit me while I am living in Natal! In May I graduated from Abilene Christian University with a degree in Psychology. I love psychology because I like to help people understand themselves better and learn how to get along with other people. In my free time I love to read books and spend time with my friends. I am so excited to come to Natal and join God's work at Communidade de Cristo. I have already been so blessed by your love and encouragement, and I hope I will be able to bless you in the same way! The things I am most excited about in coming to Natal are becoming part of your family at Communidade, bringing people from the community to Jesus through LST, learning Portuguese, and becoming just a regular Brasileira! (Hopefully!) I am always praying for you at Communidade, and am so excited to be with you very soon! God bless you!

Well, there's lots more to say, but I'll say it another day. Maybe when we're at T minus 39 days or so...tchau!
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