Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The first chapter of my memoir

Over the last week or so I have a new hope, new dream, new aspiration for my life. For those of you who happen to know that I attended two and participated in one, coming to a grand total of three, weddings all in the span of one week, no, my new dream is not to be a bride. I am quite content with my consistency in being a bridesmaid and audience member and not yet being the bride, and am happy to keep it that way for quite sometime.

I have a new career goal, and it has nothing to do with my degree.

At the age of 5 I was determined to one day own my own bakery, essentially deciding that a baker must sit around all day and eat bread, therefore holding the title of the greatest occupation of all time. (For the record, if a baker does, in fact, sit around and eat bread all day, I still deem it the greatest occupation of all time.) I found myself mimicking my older sister's career aspirations all through elementary school, (interior designer? Really Cris?) and in 7th grade settled on the plan to one day become a psychologist. That plan carried me all through middle school, high school, college, and eventually across the commencement stage in Moody Coliseum last month. The only problem was that a few months before graduation I decided all I really wanted to do after I returned from Brazil was sell real estate. As much as I loved psychology, real estate seemed like a perfect fit. Still kind of does, actually. While you people are Facebooking and perusing blogs, (ok fine, not just you people, me people too) I am perusing real estate websites, looking at all the cool houses I would like to sell to you.

Well, parents who have graciously paid for my college education, never fear, the real estate dream has faded and a new one has taken its place. I want to be a writer when I grow up, whenever that may be. This new passion actually comes at quite the convenient time. Seeing as how I don't actually have a job for this summer, I can really take the next couple months to experience what life is like with no set schedule, and allow myself the time to brainstorm, organize, and pull together the ideas that will one day win me a Pulitzer.

I blame Don Miller and the author of The Kite Runner (I'm sorry, sir, that I don't know your name. Your book was wonderful and, obviously, inspiring) for this new obsession, for making the life of a writer seem so wonderfully attractive. I don't see myself making any progress on those psychology and real estate dreams while abroad, and writing is something I will be able to pursue in Brazil, writing to relax, to report, or just to practice.

I recently told a friend that I should be a professional life planner, because I think I have really good ideas for what people should do with their lives. Good to know I have not failed myself. Need some life advice? Need someone to encourage you to follow your dreams? I can help you. Hmm...maybe instead of being a writer I can just do that instead...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need you to plan my life. Seriously. I have a degree in Advertising and PR and am currently a career bartender. You know me and my skills and weaknesses, please advise as to what career I should be pursuing. Thanks.

Boston SBC Forever