My sweet friend Deanna is also preparing for mission work in South America, but, unlike me, she is on a mission team that is committed to stay for at least 5 years. They won't be leaving for a few more years, but have an exciting survey trip planned at the end of this coming May. She wrote this on her blog yesterday and I was shocked at how eloquently she wrote exactly what I have been feeling:
"I desire with all my heart to do ministry in S. America but it is so scary to think of leaving awesome Colorado, my amazing family and friends, and the comfort of the US. But what is even scarier is thinking of what it would mean if I didnt go, knowing that God has called me to it. I dont want to be Moses, I want to be Isaiah. I dont want to say "Lord please, send anyone else" but "Here I am Lord, send me." (emphasis mine)
I just finished reading a missionary biography of a single woman missionary who spent her life working in India. When she first left home she was about my age, and she talks about how she listed all of the possible reasons she could think of why leaving all that was familiar behind to do mission work was a bad idea. I have to say I definitely identify with that, and have had plenty of sleepless nights where I myself list all the reasons going to Brazil is a pretty stupid idea. However, the outcome is always the same. I don't end with "Lord, send someone else," but with "Here I am, Lord. Send me."
I made another pie chart to show my fundraising progress. You will notice that the colors are the same (duh) but the proportions are different this time. Less blue, more yellow, just the way we want it to be! The 23.4% that I still lack is only $4,181 this time...and that is AMAZING. God is good.
you need to get real.. you know i stalk you.
you are so encouraging to me Cris. its great to hear that you feel the same way. i thought it was so amazing that those scriptures were so similar in words, but so different in what they were saying. i am praying for you. and i read your blog and i thought the last entry was funny yet gross.
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