Ooooh man I apologize for the whiney tone of that last post. I actually intended more of a sarcastic sound, but after reading it I realize it just sounded like I was complaining. Perhaps I was. :)
God definitely worked through some incredible ways this past week with my LST internship fundraising. I learned a tremendous lesson (as always) and learned once again that I can't box him in to the little mold I have for him. He is always, always faithful. And even when I'm pretty sure He's done being faithful, and I give him an out to peace out on me, he just doesn't leave! I am so thankful for a God who doesn't ever forget about me and takes the time to remind me of it.
Spring break was absolutely delightful. Seeing Molly, my roommate from freshman and sophomore year, was the highlight of the semester. There we are up there ^^ just laying around on the floor, you know. I also developed a new appreciation for the San Antonio area. I had no idea it was so pretty! I've always said Austin is the only place in Texas I would voluntarily choose to live, but folks you can now add San Antonio to that list.
This post is so lame. Sorry.
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