- If you are from Texas and this statement offends you, you are probably one of them.
- If you are not from Texas and this statement offends you, that's just weird.
- If you are from Texas and you think "Well, maybe, but I'm not one of them," there is an excellent chance you are wrong, and until an out-of-stater deems you correct your opinion does not count.
- If you are from Texas, you agree, and this statement does not offend you because it is true, you are probably not a "Texas driver." You are probably an exception, and that is an honorable title.
3. My parents think "The Office" is absolutely hilarious. This strangely impressed me. I say "strangely" because either a) they're much cooler than they used to be or, b) they were always this cool I just refused to accept it. Something tells me it's probably the latter.
4. "Teenage Wasteland" has one of the best intros I have ever heard in a song. Thank you to Dr. Greg House for introducing me to this precious tidbit of information.
5. If he had been born 10 years earlier, Jesse McCartney would have enjoyed a very successful career with the Backstreet Boys. Maybe he and Aaron Carter can team up. They look like the same person anyways.
6. I consumed at least my body weight, possibly more, in strawberries this week. Ain't nothin wrong with that...
7. There are too many white trucks in Texas. On the Texas-half of my drive back to Abilene, every single vehicle I found myself behind was a white truck. Coincidentally, every vehicle I passed was also a white truck. Refer to point #1. If you live in Texas and have a white truck, paint it. White is boring. (Yes, I realize that Xavier is white. Although I love her, I wish she was green.)
8. Gas is too expensive. And with no good reason. Gas should be free. And water should be free. Actually, cars should run on water. And it should be free. Smart people, get on that.
9. Selling CDs back for cash, especially in the age of iPods, is an extremely lucrative business. Say hello to 28 dollars and say goodbye to Celine Dion. They didn't, however, accept my Creed cds or Backstreet Boys. Can you blame them? Insert embarrassed face here -->___.
10. I continue to hear from new people every time that the Coldplay concert was the best concert they've ever been to. Lucky for me I agree.
11. I don't hate the rain, but I hate driving in the rain. HATE it. Absolutely nothing good comes from long roadtrips in heavy rain. (Well, except that I don't have to give Xavier the traditional post-roadtrip bath. Ok, so one teeny tiny barely significant good thing comes from roadtrips in the rain.)
12. "Dookie" by Green Day is still one of the greatest albums of all time. Definitely on my Deserted Island list. "Nimrod" isn't too bad, either.
13. The more and more I go home, the more and more it isn't home anymore.
14. I hate the feeling of loneliness. I am codependent upon companionship. That's better than being codependent on alcohol...right?
15. Telling people you love them is important. Utilizing the numbers in your cell's phone book is necessary. If you think about someone, even for a second, whom you haven't talked to in a long time, call them up and tell them so. Chances are they won't think you're weird, like you might fear, and instead you will make their day. It's a shame that you have to go through losing someone to be reminded of that. Don't be scared to let someone know that they are appreciated.
16. Like my sister said, it's hard to accept when someone dies. Even if the chance that you would have seen that person again or even talked to them any time soon was slim, it's still comforting to know that he or she was still existing out there somewhere, doing good for someone. Please refer to #15 here and then do something about it. Carrie, we take comfort in the fact that your legacy, your incredible sense of humor, your joyful spirit, and your profound gift of friendship, will continue to do good for all of the people who passed through your life for a long, long time. You are unforgettable.
I will digress. I enjoyed reading your blog, even if it was a bit misinformed. You see, since th roads are not all crappy here like in OK, sometimes Sooner get confused on what "god driving" looks like! Now to get on to that expense report...
You need more comments on here! Here are my reactions to some of your posted items.
3. Have they tried "Arrested Development" yet? You never know...
6. Too bad you won't be in Mito for strawberry picking time...or will you?!? I'll check. Stay tuned.
7. Do you wish she was our-old-Tercel green or your-old walls green or hunter green?
9. And you're not embarrassed about Celine?
10. We're hoping to go! Tickets go on sale on Saturday, and we're trying our best to get them. Thanks for the heads up.
12. Dookie got me through 7th grade. You must not have started appreciating it when I did (you would have been really young then), so you must be discovering them in a late-bloomer way like I did with New Kids on the Block.
13. No, it's better than home. With all the improvements that keep being made, I think I won't recognize it! Wireless, digital cable, Accord...
16. Very well said. Not to be trite, but she would have loved reading what you said about her. And this your blog.
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