Wednesday, January 4, 2006

We are currently in the midst of week 4 out of 5 of Christmas break. No, you did not read that incorrectly. 5. Count them. One-two-three-four-five. I know, right? How retarded. But not so retarded that I wish I was resuming classes this week, like Oklahoma public schools, or next week, like Oklahoma state universities. I just think it's weird. So in the spirit of academic nostalgia (it's rumored that Patty V actually wrote an essay to combat boredom over the break. While I have not checked on this--I'm trying to break myself of my blog-slut tendencies--it nevertheless amazes me, because I find myself doing the same thing. Not writing essays, but doing educational things to fill my time. But I digress...) I decided to give you a small test. Not the kind of test, but the kind you are about to take:
1. Blogs are for _____ people.
a. self-involved
b. bored
c. too-smart-for-their-own-good-and-like-to-show-off
d. too smart, too stupid, and none in between.

2. Blog entries should be written _____.
a. every day.
b. at least twice a week.
c. once a month.
d. whenever revelations resembling genius-thought arise.

3. I, Cris Carpenter, choose to write in this blog _____.
a. whenever I feel like it, dangit!
b. when I remember it exists.
c. whenever I have something to write of which I can be proud, because I am a writing snob.
d. whenever there is something on my mind that I have to get out, so I cop out and do it on the internet.

Have you ever visited That might have been a better use of your time than taking the test you just did. If you are still pondering the answers then I have a surprise for you: there were no right answers. And there were no wrong answers. Sucka! They were all right in their own way. I'm such a people pleaser. Geez.

Right now would be a terrific time for me to dive into some sort of intellectual thought and enlighten you on my opinions on certain matters, but let's be honest: I'm at the Cabin, they're watching the Rose Bowl, I just got my hair cut and feel like a movie star, and therefore have no great thoughts on which to enlighten you. But don't worry, as they come I will share. Instead, I think I am going to compose a sentence using the Word o' the Day from my 2006 365 Words a Year! tear-away calendar I got for Christmas (is saying "I totally banked at Christmas" wrong? Because I did.) It was most definitely in my top 10 of Christmas gifts, fo shiz. I'm such a nerd. And then I'm going to tell you that we all, as a community, need to start using the word "terrific" more because it is HIGHLY underrated. "Fabulous," "fantastic," and "tight," are out, folks. Terrific is in. Use it, love it. "Arrested Development," my new favorite show, is also in. Watch it, love it. See, told you I felt like a movie star. I'm telling you what to do and acting as though my opinion is commensurate to God's. It's not. His is way better than mine. Commensurate was not my January 4 word of the day, though I do hope it is in the calendar somewhere because I sure do love that word. Ok. Word o' the day time.

When seeking news, my top choice in news providers is either CNN Headline news or, because their presentation and story-choice is far from parochial, unlike FoxNews--boo!!

Haha I just lost like 47 friends. Happy January! If you're smart and I mis-used my new word, please let me know. I'll be happy to change it.

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