So, I'm reading this one blog by this one guy I kind of know who has been going through a rough time lately so of course I read his blog to see how he's doing? (Sadly, I think a lot of people do that, too.) Anyway, the psychologist in me starts reading his blogs back in November to see if I see signs of the rough time approaching, and I see a link to another blog at ACU. So I click on it. I begin to read it, see that she knows some people I know, and wonder if maybe I know who she is. So I click on a link on her blog that links to another blog of a name I know but don't know this guy personally, and I start reading his. His blog is so captivating that I read the comments on it and find a link to another blog. If you are keeping track and are familiar with the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game, I am now 4 degrees away from myself. Approaching whom, I don't know, but I'm 4 degrees away. Anyway. I stumble onto this other blog, where I find this:
"I know this may step on a few toes, but I have to let it out. I am extremely saddened by American churches who are spending millions of dollars on the wrong things. I recently read about a church that spent $19 million to expand their poperty and enlarge their buildings. How can this happen when.....
- Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live on less than $1 per day.
- One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5.
- An estimated one out of 6 elderly people in the U.S. has an inadequate diet.
- An estimated 40.3 million people worldwide are living with AIDS this year.
- An estimated 12 million children have been orphaned by AIDS in Africa.
- Today 6500 Africans will die of AIDS.
- Today 4.1 million Africans need anit-AIDS drugs and only 50,000 will get them.
- According to figures provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, up to 600,000 men, women, and children go homeless each night in the US.
I just don't get it. How could something that started so good have gone so wrong? Please tell me that people are still more important than property and that big buildings will not be the greatest legacy of the church. Please."
So here's this guy 4 degrees away from me, I have no idea who he is. And if he ever reads this (maybe he's a slut too) I apologize for taking your entry. But I thought it was brilliant. (I'm the one who bolded and mega-capitalized that one sentence.) That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about people. Read my first blog, it's about 4 down I think, and this is another illustration to the concept that I think God views us moronic humans as a bunch of chickens running around with our heads cut off, passing harmful legislation and spending MILLIONS on church buildings, not churches (the church is the people not the building, remember? I learned that phrase by heart when I was four.) when there are far greater causes we need to be funding in His name. I think God might be ok with us not even having a dang milion-dollar roof over our heads when we gather to worship if it means that we're helping His hurting children. Rather than expand how 'bout we split up and plant churches?
You know what, I'll stop here. I can type real fast and I don't know if you blog sluts are ready for Tangents ala Cris. Given the incredible infrequency of my posts, I'm going to go ahead and wish you all (all 4 of you who read this) a Merry Christmas if I don't come back for a while. HappyChrismahannukwanzaakah! (I stole that one, too, from Justin who stole it from Virgin Mobile I think? I'm a slutty thief.)